True Confessions

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Undoubtedly, I could have a whole series of true confessions of ways I have slipped, slid, and fallen off of my various healthy eating goals from time to time. (I could also tell you a lot of Get Back Up stories as well, because I always do...) Living healthy hasn't been a straight path for me. It's been full of ups and downs, weak and strong, more or less.

If you're looking for a perfect size 2 health guru who never slips up, you've come to the wrong place.

Confession: I mentioned a few weeks ago that somewhere along the line my vitamin box got empty, and I didn't get around to refilling it. Some days I was remembering to grab a vitamin or two from a bottle, but mainly just wasn't taking them at all. All the time when I would complain of how tired I felt, my husband would say, "Well have you taken your vitamins today?" and I would be all, like, "Pshaw....vitamins. Who needs 'em?"

How quickly we forget.

Well, I took a few minutes to refill the box. I didn't want another round of PMS-from-you-know-where.

In addition, I have re-fallen in love with Bee Strong. Man, that stuff works *wonders* for me!! In just a few days of consistently taking two at breakfast and two at dinner, I am a motivation MACHINE! I have been a more hands-on parent, and been more productive in pretty much every aspect of my life. I love that!

I don't know how I forgot. This is just like when I first started taking it. It's an awesome product. It's the mommy speed that I've been wishing for. ;) I love it. As long as you aren't allergic to bees, you will too. Safe for pregnant and nursing moms. Get some!

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