Deal of the Week: No more PMS! and more...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Men: Avert your eyes.

Thank you.

Ladies, I'm going to be frank: the reason why I decided to offer Vitex as this week's deal is because I recently went through a h-o-r-r-e-n-d-o-u-s round of PMS, and was reminded that I had forgotten to take my Vitex. OH NO!

I gave Vitex a try because I wanted relief from some rough PMS symptoms plus very heavy menstruation. In just the first month I noticed a great improvement, and have really appreciated this wonderful supplement. (my whole family appreciates it, actually! LOL)

I don't know what happened. I guess my vitamin box got empty and I didn't refill it. Must've been busy. (go figure) Either way, when the evil PMS monster came to visit me recently boy-oh-boy I was thinking "Why didn't I take my Vitex?!?!" Well, hopefully that was enough to keep me remembering from now on, and I'm happy to introduce you to this great product as well.

Whether you are dealing with PMS, menstrual difficulties, menopause issues, or having difficulties getting pregnant, Vitex has something to offer you. Read all about it on the product page, and enjoy 25% off from now through next Wednesday, June 1, 2011. You can order as many as you like at this price, but larger quantities may take a few extra days to ship.

Since the Vitex is a great product, but quite inexpensive, I knew that it would be disappointing to some of you to pay shipping for just one little thing. So, I decided to throw all of the liquid stevia products up for sale this week as well! We have all flavors and sizes in stock right now, so go ahead and stock up. :)

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