Making Lemons Into Lemonade, or: What to do when you don't make the bread right.

Friday, April 11, 2008

So today my daughter asked me to bake bread. I baked my own whole wheat bread for years, then when Life Happened I switched to whatever was healthiest at my grocery store (Baker's Inn). Then I started making the effort to drive 45+ minutes to Great Harvest bread where I can get honey whole wheat that is freshly baked every day. I would get about a month's worth of bread at a time, and stick it in the freezer.

Well, we're down to the end of our supply, so my daughter suggested I bake. I'm still trying to use up some bargain organic milk that I picked up last week at Kroger (I got a whole gallon of Horizons organic whole milk for about $2.69. Then I watered it down about 50% to get an even bigger bargain. Though we don't often use milk, I decided to take advantage of that deal, and I've been looking for ways to use milk ever since. (nobody here drinks milk, so it all goes into recipes)

It has been so long since I baked my own bread that I had a hard time remembering the recipe. Finally, I got it all done, baked, and when pulling it out of the oven I realized that I FORGOT THE HONEY! Wah!

Yeah, 100% whole wheat is better for you. But I was really looking forward to that honey whole wheat.....

I had to leave the house right after taking the break out of the oven, and while driving I realized that even if nobody liked the 100% whole wheat bread, that I could save the day by turning the bread into healthy bread crumbs (just whiz it all up and stick it in a ziploc bag in the freezer) , or homemade croutons or stuffing mix. I'm going to search for some recipes for those since I've never done either one. I'm sure it can't be too hard, though. Right?

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